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Idaho MassResistance Denounces Rep. Yamamoto’s Unethical Behavior


March 1, 2023

Arthur Schaper, field director for the pro-family group MassResistance, has released the following letter to Representative Julie Yamamoto, chair of the House Education Committee, in response to her comments about House Bills 139 and 227.  Both bills are designed to address the problem of explicit material in libraries; however, HB 139 includes civil penalties for noncompliance, while HB 227 contains no penalties.

Rep. Yamamoto:

My name is Arthur Schaper, and I am the Field Director for MassResistance, the international pro-family group that makes the difference.

I have received notice of the following messages that you sent out to the public in response to statements on HB 139 and HB 227.

You compare holding libraries and schools accountable to “flogging.” Really?

This is unbecoming, inappropriate, outrageous behavior.

It is shabby and abusive, and it is mean.

You need to recuse yourself from the Chairmanship of the Education Committee. You have tipped your hand, and you have given the inclination to favor one bill over another.

Such partisan, disrespectful behavior has no place on a committee.

Step down.

Arthur Schaper


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