April 12, 2024

Diversity Without Unity Leads to Death

Daniel Bobinski, Th.D. (photo credit: Daniel Bobinski on Facebook)

By: Daniel Bobinski, Th.D.

For decades, diversity has been a talking point in America. And rightfully so. People of different ethnicities and cultures add multiple facets to the principles upon which America was founded. However, I have long held that the catchphrase “Strength Through Diversity” is an incomplete soundbite, and one that has caused more harm than good.

A better, more accurate phrase would be, “Strength Through Valuing Our Diversity.” The problem? It doesn’t roll off the tongue as easily, so it doesn’t get used. However, by valuing the strengths that diverse people bring to the table, we almost always end up with better results.

But herein lies a problem. While some in American society actually value people from diverse backgrounds, others are more interested in maintaining divisions. They do so for different reasons, yet they use the same phrase: Strength Through Diversity.

Allow me to clarify: the word “diversity” is rooted with the words “division,” “divisive,” and “divided.” Those who truly value the differences look at our diversity one way, but those who seek to keep divisions in America see it differently. Much differently.

Two Reasons People Seek Divisions in America

People who make their living by keeping our culture divided have no vested interest in unity. Their livelihood needs division. If they stir up and maintain discord among people of different cultures, they maintain their current and future income.

Think Al Sharpton. Without waiting for evidence to be compiled, as soon as a perceived injustice happens to a person of color, Sharpton is on the news calling for “justice.” Facts be damned, this is the kind of stuff that drives Sharpton’s fundraising.

To be clear, I don’t think Sharpton is a racist. I hold to the traditional definition of “racist” as one who believes a particular race (ethnicity or skin color) is superior. It could be that Sharpton is a racist, but I haven’t seen any evidence for that. That said, Sharpton is clearly a “race-baiter” – one whose speech and actions stirs up dissention between people of different races.

Rather than focus on what unites Americans, race-baiters in this country, both white and black, have been busy for decades. Their actions have not been helpful at all, but mostly their efforts have not been focused on tearing our country down. No, that is what the other group pushing “diversity” seeks to do.

Creeping Socialism

Jesse Jackson is also known for his race-baiting, but Jackson took things to a different level. In 1971, Jackson founded Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity), primarily reaching out to America’s black population. That by itself may have involved race-baiting, but Jackson’s socialist leanings emerged when he ran for president in 1984 and 1988.

The Democrat Socialists of America endorsed Jackson, and he did not refuse the endorsement. He proposed single-payer healthcare (a socialist model), and advocated for federal funding of abortions, which was far left of the Democrat position of abortion at the time.

in 1987, Jackson led a march on the Stanford University campus where he led chants of “Hey hey, ho ho, Western civ has got to go.”

Western civilization has to go? Not exactly a pro-America position.

Jackson’s efforts through Operation PUSH and his Rainbow Coalition were instrumental in normalizing socialist language in our society, but that was only a slice of the socialist push. The Department of Education has also been quite busy. For decades, socialists have been worming their way into that organization, to the point that America’s teacher colleges are now socialist indoctrination camps.

And where do those “certified” teachers go? All across the country to teach in America’s “public” schools.

These efforts (plus many more) have resulted in a flood of “critical theory” being taught in our universities – and even in our high schools and elementary schools. If it were boiled down to its essence, the various critical theories attack anything that’s heterosexual, capitalistic, or white.

Consider a partial list:

  • Critical Race Theory
  • Critical Feminist Theory
  • Queer Theory
  • Postcolonial Theory
  • Critical Media Studies
  • Critical Pedagogy
  • Critical Legal Studies
  • Critical Management Studies
  • Critical Political Economics
  • Critical Indigenous Studies
  • Critical Animal Studies
  • Critical Environmental Studies

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The latest acronym to be thrust into our culture is DEI, which stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and it is being pushed hard by both socialists and globalists.

Diversity refers to all aspects of human difference, such as race, religion, ethnicity, creed, gender, socio-economic status, and the like.

Equity is a thrust useful for the far left (socialists) who wish to replace equality with equity. The words sound alike, so many mistake them for synonyms, but nothing is further from the truth. Equality means everyone starts the race at the same place. Equity means everyone must finish the race at the same time.

Inclusion means everyone feels respected and has a sense of belonging. This concept goes way beyond diversity. Inclusion means even the most perverse among us must be made to feel accepted. It means if someone is obviously a male but dresses like a female, all of society must play along and refer to the “he” as a “she.”

As previously mentioned, I have no problem with diversity so long as the various facets of our diverse culture are aiming for the core principles of liberty as spelled out by our Founders. But equity and inclusion?

Equity is horrific for the progress of mankind, because if everyone must have the same outcome, it means we eventually all fall to the lowest common denominator.

And, at its best, inclusion is one sided. Flamboyant transvestites who insist on being referred to as “she” are not typically inclined to ensure conservative Christians feel equally valued and accepted. As I have stated many times. nobody should be compelled to approve of, participate in, or comply with someone else’s public sexual fantasies.

Side note: Nowhere in Scripture are believers instructed to be tolerant. Quite the opposite. In many places, believers are criticized for tolerating sinful behavior.

Unfortunately, most universities and even elementary and secondary schools now have DEI offices, programs, and initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion on their campuses. Similarly, in the corporate world, companies are implementing DEI initiatives such as mandatory anti-bias training. Even the U.S. military seems more intent on indoctrinating our troops in DEI over training them to defend our country.

American Values are Being Castigated

To be Chinese means to have Chinese ancestry. Same with being Japanese, German, Russian, or French. Throughout most of the world, one’s ancestry dictates one’s affiliation. Not so in America. Yes, one can be born in Indonesia, but upon becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen, one is forever known as an American. The same is true for anyone born anywhere. You can be born in Zimbabwe, but become a naturalized American and you are now an American.

In the early part of the 20th century, our country’s leaders were advocating that anyone coming to America should assimilate into American culture. In a 1907 speech, Teddy Roosevelt said, “[W]e intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house.”

Huge waves of immigrants were coming to the United States, so schools across the land started requiring courses on American history, civics, and American values. The U.S. Bureau of Naturalization even published a textbook for immigrants to learn these things so they could fully embrace an American national identity.

It’s almost like they knew that diversity without unity leads to death.

That’s now all gone. In today’s schools, America’s students are taught how evil America is. They are taught that racism is everywhere, and the mere fact that someone has light skin tones automatically makes that person an irreversible racist.

Capitalism is now taught as the main cause of oppression. Teachers coming out of our nation’s socialist teacher colleges now indoctrinate students to believe diversity, equity, and inclusion are the only true paths to financial gain. They teach that in the last century, oppressors pressured immigrant students to adopt American values so they would be brainwashed into becoming a working class.

(Side note: Lest anyone say our teacher colleges are not socialist indoctrination camps, I say, “You weren’t there in the early 2000’s when I was an adjunct professor in the education college at a state university, and I personally listened to the chair of the college say he was a socialist and that he advocated for socialism.”  And lest anyone say that was an isolated case, I say, “You are an ignorant, short-sighted, Kool-Aid drinking fool.”)

DEI is the new normal taught in our schools, but it’s not limited to our schools. Human Resource Directors (an interesting title all by itself) now indoctrinate American companies on “Corporate Social Responsibility” and “Social Corporate Justice.”

They say value must come from more than just capitalist productivity metrics.

I must say, I agree, but I readily acknowledge that their meaning and my meaning are worlds apart.

Socialists Want Us to be Ignorant of the Principles of Liberty

To me, the value in our American culture comes from the unifying principles of liberty.

It is not capitalism that damaged our country, it is crony capitalism – born out of greedy people who disregarded the ethical, Scriptural principles of liberty and equality upon which our Founders stood.

It is not Americanism that damaged our Constitution, it is greedy men and women who sought after and created loopholes in the system of government our Founders gave us.

As it’s been said, our Founders created a Constitution that protected the people from those in government, but it didn’t protect the Constitution from those in government. As a results, the U.S. Government now looks nothing like what our Founders created.

Socialists have wormed their way into just about every level of leadership in just about every aspect of American culture.

  • They’re in the entertainment and media industries
  • They’re in our city, state, and national political offices
  • They’re everywhere in our education system
  • They’re in our businesses and industries
  • They’re in our legal institutions
  • They’re in our churches

Every aspect of American culture listed above used to adhere to the unity of our Founder’s principles. Such is no longer the case. Today, we hear nothing but “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Or, more simply stated, “division.”

In 1858, President Abraham Lincoln quoted Jesus, saying, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Let’s be clear: America exists because of its diversity. But unless our diverse people seek unity, the country will not stand.

Because diversity without unity leads to death.

© 2024 Shadowtrail Media, LLC

Daniel Bobinski, Th.D., is an international bestselling author, a certified behavioral analyst, and for 35 years he’s been a corporate trainer and executive coach. In 2019, before the dreaded virus, he began writing for UncoverDC and RedState. He now hosts his own TV show, Keep the Republic, on Brighteon.TV and does a regular podcast with Ambassador Alan Keyes, called “After Hours with Bobinski and Keyes.”  This and all his columns may be read on his Substack, also titled Keep the Republic.

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